LPG is an efficient and clean energy source that is used safely by millions of households across the world for their everyday needs. Here are some tips to enable you to safely and effectively make use of LPG for your household energy needs.
Always store your LPG cylinder in an upright position and away from combustible products/materials.
Properly ventilate the LPG cylinder storage area.
Always keep your regulator valve closed when not in use and during night.
Do not tamper with the cylinder, hose, regulator valve and other related equipment, and ensure that they are only repaired by authorized professional when needed.
Store cylinders away from direct sunlight.
Check the safety cap and safety seal when purchasing LPG cylinders.
Always operate within design or environmental limits.
Always operate in a safe and controlled condition.
Always ensure that safety devices are in place and functioning.
Always follow safe work practices and procedures.
Always meet or exceed client’s requirements.
Always maintain integrity of dedicated systems.
Always comply with all applicable rules and regulations.
Always address abnormal conditions.
Always follow written procedures for high-risk or unusual situations.
Always involve the right people in decisions that affect procedures and equipment.
Always strictly follow safety procedures as per guidelines of the Department of Explosives, the Government of Bangladesh.